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Interpretation of ASTM D3475 "Standard Classification for Child Safety Packaging"

author:超级管理员 Release time:2024-09-04 16:19:16Click:54

ASTM D3475 is a safety testing standard authorized by the United States for child safety, primarily used to prevent children from opening packaging or safety bottle caps. The following is a detailed interpretation of ASTM D3475: 1. Standard Overview ASTM D3475, also known as "Standard Classification for Child Safe Packaging," is developed by ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) to ensure that packaging for children's toys, drugs, cosmetics, food, and other products meets child safety requirements through a series of tests and evaluations. This standard covers the accessibility, openable, anti child bite, and anti erosion characteristics of packaging to prevent accidental injuries caused by children accidentally opening the packaging. 2、 Test subjects and child groups: Number of participants: Typically, 200 children are required to participate in the test. Age and gender distribution: 30% of each group is between 42-44 months old, and 30% of each group is between 49-51 months old, ensuring a uniform distribution of age and gender. The ratio of male to female students in each age group shall not exceed 10%. Test requirement: Children have five minutes to try to open the packaging in any way they can think of. In five minutes, there will be a demonstration on how to open the packaging (no further explanation needed), and then the child will have five minutes to try opening the packaging. During the testing process, the supervising personnel shall not give any prompts to children to open the packaging. Adult group: Number: Typically, 100 adults are required to participate in the test. Age and gender distribution: 30% of each group is between 50-54 years old, 40% of each group is between 55-59 years old, and females account for 70%. Test requirement: Adults have five minutes to open the packaging without prior demonstration. In the second attempt, they must open and reseal the packaging correctly within one minute. The purpose of the test is to ensure that the packaging is also suitable and convenient for the elderly. 3、 Test content and standards for preventing children from opening packaging function test: Test whether the packaging can effectively prevent children from opening within the specified time. Specific standards may include a certain percentage of children being able to open the packaging within two five minutes. Packaging material safety testing: Ensure that packaging materials do not produce substances that may harm human or other life. Packaging warning and differentiation test: Relevant safety warnings and usage methods should be indicated on the packaging of harmful contents, and clearly distinguished from the packaging of food or beverages. 4、 Testing process and report filling application form: Provide product information and testing requirements. Provide test samples: Typically, 300-400 test samples are required. Testing: Conduct testing according to ASTM D3475 standard. Evaluate test data: Analyze test results to determine if packaging meets standards. Provide a test report: The report includes the name of the testing agency, testing date, packaging container manufacturer, name of the testing supervisor, detailed description of the testing packaging container, and description of the substitute for the testing contents. 5、 The ASTM D3475 standard is widely used in various industries, such as toys, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and food. By following this standard, manufacturers can design packaging that is safer and more in line with children's safety needs, effectively reducing accidents caused by children accidentally opening the packaging. This is not only a guarantee for children's safety, but also a manifestation of corporate social responsibility.